Top 10 + Fantasy Story ideas with a twist

For me fantasy is considered Fun, it has no relation with reality, it is just fictional, in every aspect of life we want fantasy, be it fantasy story ideas, from a normal man to Superman, the world’s greatest hero. Powerful person, a time travel machine, having fun with the most beautiful girls in the world, etc. 

When we talk about fictional stories, we will need an idea that can turn into a complete story (novel, YouTube short film). We have collected the top 10+ fantasy story ideas with a twist that can add some value to your story creation or novel book creation.

Fantasy is full of countless desires, it does not end until it understands the reality or truth of itself.

Fantasies have no boundaries or limits, you can imagine the best of the best and the worst of the worst but in the reality of life, it is the complete opposite of your Fantasy world.

How Fantasy Story ideas are different from the other stories

There are different genres of stories like horror, biopic, comedy, science, fiction, etc. There are some restrictions in these genres like the hero should be like us, behave, look, and act like us but in the case of fantasy stories, there are no limitations. Your main character can be anything and do anything.

The fight can be between Good and Evil or monster vs human. Sometimes evil conquers humanity and sometimes good people become bad.

An interesting story decides what the characters will look like, how people will treat each other, and whether they will have humanity or not.

If you have short fantasy story ideas and they have the ability to entertain people and give people what they never expected then you should turn your fantasy story ideas into a perfect story.

Discover Our Top 10+ Collective Fantasy Story Ideas

1. There is a place where two married couples go and they can only tell the truth, if they try to tell even one lie then their death is certain. One of the married couples died just because they lied to each other. Now there is only one married couple left, will they be able to survive and make it out safely?

2. A man who inadvertently drank poisonous water, he is living 100 miles away from his daughter and wife. His daughter is waiting for him for her birthday cake celebration but like always, he is always late. Now he has half an hour to reach his home and celebrate his birthday, otherwise, he will die.

Revealed: His wife gave the poison. So you have to complete this Fantasy Story idea about who the antagonist is and whether he will come to celebrate or not.

3. Your main character was going somewhere in his car but when he opened the trunk of his car he found a dead body. Meanwhile, he receives a video message in which he sees that he has murdered a man and kept him in the trunk of his car. Now your main character will save himself from this trouble.

4. Every wish of the Protagonist will be fulfilled but he will lose his loved ones. After all, a person he loves very much. Will he sacrifice her too to fulfill his wish?

5. A man kills an entire family, and later he finds out that he killed his own family. He was in a hypnotized state when he murdered his family, he had to find out who hypnotized him and whose intention was to kill his family.

6. A superhero like Superman who always protects people from unknown threats is a down-to-earth superhero who loves humans and animals unconditionally. He saves people even if his life is in danger but the weakness of his power is pollution, global warming, and climate change. If humans do not control these natural disasters your superhero will die.

7. In outer space, there is another powerful species that protects the Earth from dark devils and aliens, the people of Earth are unaware of the outer space species but there is a girl who can see them. The outer space species do not want anyone else to know of their existence, so they decide to kill him. How will she save herself from them?

8. Man has such power by which he can survive for 10 days, no one can kill him, and he is indestructible but after 10 days he will have to face 10 fatal attacks If he manages to survive these attacks within the initial ten days, he can continue to live life normally thereafter. if he dies from any of these 10 fatal attacks then his demise will be permanent.

9. Your protagonist has been killed by someone. Now he has a chance, he will get 15 days to live after death so that he can find out who killed him. If he finds out who killed him, he will be capable of reviving his life again, but if not, he will die again.

10. Man has God-like power but he can use it once. He is waiting for the greatest dangers or epidemics when he will reveal himself and use his power.

11. A man has a pen, and whatever he writes about himself with that pen will come true, unfortunately, he is illiterate, he cannot write or read anything. So how will he use this pen?

Final Words

These  Fantasy Story Ideas with a twist will help to get more ideas if these prompts do not work for you. It’s often said that the knowledge you absorb shapes your creative output. You have to read as much as you can, this is the key to finding some great story ideas.

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